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Plastic on Top of Water Heater is Melting. Mackin & Sons Plumbing

Help! The Plastic on Top of My Water Heater is Melting If the plastic trim pieces at the top of your water […]
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What Are the Differences Between a Battery-Powered and Water-Powered Backup Sump Pump? | Mackin & Sons Plumbing

What Are the Differences Between a Battery-Powered and Water-Powered Backup Sump Pump? We get this question a lot and the […]
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Why is my Zoeller Sump Pump Switch Not Working? Today we got a call from a nice guy who asked, […]
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Save 30% On Your Next Water Heater

Save 30% On Your Next Water Heater When you want to save money, energy efficient tankless or heat pump water […]
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Do You Need to Filter Your Water Before It Enters Your Home? Water filtration means different things to different people. […]
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What If The Plumber Didn’t Show Up

What If The Plumber Didn’t Show Up It’s always within about 5 minutes of the new hour. On this Friday […]
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